Company Information

SystemHaus is a multinational company founded in Munich Germany by David Wild in 2012, David had much experience in the technology field around building and maintaining servers and systems and wanted to provide a service for companies who wanted to outsource their infrastructure to a company with specialist experience, therefore freeing them to spend more time on making a profit.

After taking on a few local businesses in Munich the company quickly expanded outwards and provided services to companies all across Germany, eventually to companies in the EU and then oversees to England and Ireland. Along the way we have hired many talented developers each with their own field of knowledge, amongst all our developers there are very few languages and frameworks we are not at least familiar with.

After providing quality outsourcing services for coding, SystemHaus decided to also provide graphical outsourcing for companies who do not have a in-house graphic designer. Our graphic designers are fully familiar with all the Adobe suit and can work with the customer to create a design exactly to their liking.